GL992 - Introduction to Containers, Kubernetes, and OpenShift

Custom course designed as an introduction to containers, Kubernetes, and OpenShift.


Course: GL990 "Linux Fundamentals for Containers and Kubernetes". Linux experience is a must as this will not be covered in the course.

Supported Distributions:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9
Course Outline:
  1. Container Technology Overview
    1. Container Fundamentals
    2. Daemonless Containers
    3. Podman
    4. Podman Configuration
    5. Podman Images
    6. Podman Volumes
    7. Podman Networking
    8. Rootless Podman
    9. Podman and Pods
    10. Building Images with Buildah
    11. Managing Images with Skopeo
    Lab Tasks
    1. Podman
    2. Podman Networking
    3. Podman and Pods
  2. Managing Container Images
    1. Docker Images
    2. Listing and Removing Images
    3. Searching for Images
    4. Downloading Images
    5. Uploading Images
    6. Export/Import Images
    7. Save/Load Images
    8. Committing Changes
    Lab Tasks
    1. Installing Docker
    2. Docker Images
    3. Docker Platform Images
  3. Creating Images with Dockerfile
    1. Dockerfile
    2. Caching
    3. docker image build
    4. Dockerfile Instructions
    5. ENV and WORKDIR
    6. Running Commands
    7. Getting Files into the Image
    8. Defining Container Executable
    10. Best Practices
    11. Multi-Stage builds with Dockerfile
    Lab Tasks
    1. Dockerfile Fundamentals
    2. Optimizing Image Build Size
    3. Image Builds and Caching
  4. Kubernetes Core Concepts
    1. Kubernetes Architecture
    2. Cluster Communication
    3. Objects
    4. Object Properties
    5. Labels & Selectors
    6. Annotations
    7. Object Management
    8. Object Management (cont.)
    9. Image Fundamentals
    10. Container Fundamentals
    11. Pod Fundamentals
    12. Working with Pods
    13. Writing YAML Files
    Lab Tasks
    1. Container and Pod Fundamentals
    2. Single Node Install
    3. Pod Fundamentals
  5. Installation
    1. Installation pre-requisites
    2. Installation (single node)
    3. Installation (production)
    4. Client Tool Optimizations
    5. Installing HA Control Plane (DEMO)
    Lab Tasks
    1. (DEMO) Kubernetes HA Masters Install
    2. Kubernetes Install
    3. Joining Worker Nodes
  6. Application Lifecycle Management
    1. CKA Objectives Covered
    2. Pod Lifecycle
    3. Container Lifecycle
    4. Init Containers
    5. Container: command and args
    6. Container: Defining Environment
    7. ReplicaSet
    8. Deployments
    9. Working with Deployments
    10. Deployment Rollouts
    Lab Tasks
    1. Pod Lifecycle
    2. Init Containers
    3. Deployments
  7. Networking
    1. CKA Objectives Covered
    2. Network Overview
    3. Service Discovery & CoreDNS
    4. Container Network Interface (CNI)
    5. Services
    6. Ingress Objects
    Lab Tasks
    1. (DEMO) Ingress Controller
    2. Port-Forwarding
    3. Services
    4. Ingress
  8. Storage
    1. CKA Objectives Covered
    2. Storage
    3. Volume Types
    4. Volume Types
    5. Static Volumes (DEMO)
    6. ConfigMaps
    7. ConfigMaps
    8. Secrets
    Lab Tasks
    1. (DEMO) Static Volumes
    2. (DEMO) ConfigMaps & Secrets
    3. Static Volume Provisioning
    4. ConfigMaps and Secrets
  9. OpenShift
    1. Kubernetes vs. Openshift
    2. Openshift Overview
    3. DEMO: Openshift Web Console
    Lab Tasks
    1. Openshift CLI Basics
    2. Openshift GUI Basics
  10. Working with YAML and JSON Lab Tasks Lab Tasks
    1. Troubleshooting YAML Errors in k8s Objects
  11. Git for Gitops
    1. Git Fundamentals
    2. Git Branches
    3. Git Pull/Merge Requests
    4. Git Merge
    5. Disaster Recovery
    Lab Tasks
    1. Local Git
    2. Working with remotes
  1. Create, view, and edit text files
    1. Producing File Statistics
    2. Replacing Text Characters
    3. Text Sorting
    4. Duplicate Removal Utility
    5. Extracting Columns of Text
    6. Combining Files and Merging Text
    7. Comparing File Changes
  2. PCF to OpenShift Terms and Concepts
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