GL360 - Kubernetes Administration

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This Kubernetes Administration course is designed to equip participants with the in-depth knowledge and practical skills necessary for the efficient administration of Kubernetes clusters. Covering a broad range of topics from core concepts and installation to advanced application lifecycle management and security, this course is structured to address the needs of professionals. The core concepts module introduces Kubernetes architecture, cluster communication, and fundamental Kubernetes objects, emphasizing the design and operation of cluster components, the importance of labels, selectors, and annotations.

Installation and configuration form a critical part of the course, guiding participants through the prerequisites, steps, and considerations for setting up Kubernetes in different environments. Special attention is given to the intricacies of installing a highly available control plane, ensuring students are well-versed in creating robust and scalable Kubernetes environments.

The course further delves into advanced topics such as application deployment, networking, storage, and security, offering hands-on experience with pod and container lifecycles, deployments, service discovery, and role-based access control, among others. These sections are designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of Kubernetes' capabilities in managing containerized applications, ensuring high availability, and securing cluster resources and access. Practical labs and demonstrations supplement the theoretical knowledge, offering participants the opportunity to apply what they've learned in real-world scenarios, thus preparing them for the challenges of Kubernetes administration in professional settings.

Target Audience:

  1. System Administrators: Those responsible for the day-to-day management of server infrastructure, looking to enhance their skills in container orchestration with Kubernetes.
  2. DevOps Engineers: Professionals focused on automating application deployment and infrastructure management who want to deepen their expertise in Kubernetes to streamline their CI/CD pipelines.
  3. Cloud Engineers: Individuals working with cloud platforms who seek to leverage Kubernetes for deploying scalable and resilient applications across public, private, or hybrid cloud environments.
  4. Site Reliability Engineers (SREs): Those who ensure high availability and performance of applications and services, interested in Kubernetes for its self-healing capabilities and management of service-level objectives.
  5. Developers: Software developers interested in understanding how their applications are deployed and managed within Kubernetes environments to better align their development practices with operational requirements.
  6. Technical Leads and Architects: Decision-makers looking to design and implement cloud-native applications with Kubernetes at the core of their architecture.

Current Version: A01

  • Proficiency with the Linux CLI (GL120 "Linux Fundamentals")
  • A broad understanding of Linux system administration (GL250 "Enterprise Linux Systems Administration").
  • Basic knowledge of Linux containers, e.g. Docker (GL340 "Docker")
Supported Distributions:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9
Recommended Class Length:
3 days
Detailed Course Outline:
  1. Core Concepts
    1. CKA Objectives Covered
    2. Kubernetes Architecture
    3. Cluster Communication
    4. Objects
    5. Object Properties
    6. Labels & Selectors
    7. Annotations
    8. Object Management
    9. Object Management (cont.)
    10. Image Fundamentals
    11. Container Fundamentals
    12. Pod Fundamentals
    13. Working with Pods
    14. Writing YAML Files
    Lab Tasks
    1. Container and Pod Fundamentals
    2. Single Node Install
    3. Pod Fundamentals
  2. Installation
    1. CKA Objectives Covered
    2. Installation pre-requisites
    3. Installation (single node)
    4. Installation (production)
    5. Client Tool Optimizations
    6. Installing HA Control Plane (DEMO)
    Lab Tasks
    1. (DEMO) Kubernetes HA Masters Install
    2. Kubernetes Install
    3. Joining Worker Nodes
  3. Application Lifecycle Management
    1. CKA Objectives Covered
    2. Pod Lifecycle
    3. Container Lifecycle
    4. Init Containers
    5. Container: command and args
    6. Container: Defining Environment
    7. ReplicaSet
    8. Deployments
    9. Working with Deployments
    10. Deployment Rollouts
    Lab Tasks
    1. Pod Lifecycle
    2. Init Containers
    3. Deployments
  4. Networking
    1. CKA Objectives Covered
    2. Network Overview
    3. Service Discovery & CoreDNS
    4. Container Network Interface (CNI)
    5. Services
    6. Ingress Objects
    Lab Tasks
    1. (DEMO) Ingress Controller
    2. Port-Forwarding
    3. Services
    4. Ingress
  5. Storage
    1. CKA Objectives Covered
    2. Storage
    3. Volume Types
    4. Volume Types
    5. Static Volumes (DEMO)
    6. ConfigMaps
    7. ConfigMaps
    8. Secrets
    Lab Tasks
    1. (DEMO) Static Volumes
    2. (DEMO) ConfigMaps & Secrets
    3. Static Volume Provisioning
    4. ConfigMaps and Secrets
  6. Security
    1. Controlling Access to the Kubernetes API
    2. Kubectl Configuration
    3. Role–Based Access Control
    4. Service Accounts
    5. Admission Controllers
    6. PodSecurityPolicy Admission Controller
    7. Default Admission Controllers
  7. Scheduling
    1. CKA Objectives Covered
    2. Controlling and Tracking Resources
    3. Scheduler Operation
    4. DaemonSet
    5. Node Affinity & Anti-affinity
    6. Pod Affinity & Anti-affinity
    7. Taints & Tolerations
    Lab Tasks
    1. (DEMO) Affinity and Taints
    2. Pod Resources and Scheduling
    3. Static Scheduling and Daemonsets
    4. Pod and Node Affinities
  1. Jobs and CronJobs
    1. Jobs
    2. CronJobs
    Lab Tasks
    1. Jobs
    2. CronJobs
  2. Linux Containers
    1. Application Management Landscape
    2. Application Isolation
    3. Resource Measurement and Control
    4. Container Security
    5. OverlayFS Overview
    6. Container Security
    7. Open Container Initiative
    Lab Tasks
    1. Container Concepts runC